I was disgusted but not surprised by the attacks by liberal members of the Borough Assembly against Mayor Jan Hill. She owes no one an apology or explanation as to her comments regarding INSANE Tier 3 designation of the Chilkat River. Jan was born and raised here. She knows better than most the importance of a balanced economy. Tier 3 is just a poorly crafted attempt to end run the failed STAND FOR SALMON fiasco. Both were specifically intended to halt mine development in Alaska. Any other explanation is a flat out lie. I’ve also noted a sad return to the politics of RACE. On at least two occasions now, conservative, Alaska Natives have been politically dissed by some members of the assembly for imagined transgressions mostly dealing with conflict in narratives that didn’t agree with their own. One fine Borough Manager was treated as such. The other was Jan Hill by a particularly foul mouthed assemblyman.

Terrance Pardee
