The Sisters of the ANS Camp 5 would like to thank all those involved in helping make the Annual Elizabeth Peratrovich Day Assembly an inspiring and fun event. We would like to acknowledge Ellen Larson and Jeanne Kitayama for their assistance with making the vests, the Chilkoot Indian Association for donation of the felt, Kyle Strong, Tanna Dixon, and Jayden Hotch for instructing and leading the students in song and dance, Mrs. Jen Johnson, Rebekah McCoy and Holly Davis for their help with the music, Mark Davis and Lydia Andriesen for leading the choir, Mr. Baumgartner and the 6th grade class for teaching us about the Native Youth Olympic games, Lee Heinmiller, Leslie Downer, Jack Strong, and Deanna and Dakota Strong. Special thanks to ALL the staff and Administration of the Haines Borough School District for allowing time in their busy schedules for us to honor and commemorate Elizabeth Peratrovich, and her courageous efforts for equality of all Alaskans.

Natalie Benassi, Deb Kemp, Justina Hotch, Marylin Wilson

ANS Camp 5
