The Chilkat Valley Mining Forum Committee would like to extend our appreciation to the speakers and the audience which attended the forum last Sunday, February 24. It was our best attended forum to date. The great question and answer session following the speaker presentations revealed the community’s thoughtful engagement with the presenters. The increased attendance demonstrates the community’s interest in these forums, as did the response from those who attended asking, “When will the next one be?” Many excellent critiques and compliments were submitted in the suggestion box and as with every previous forum these comments are recorded and used to help us with future topics, speakers and hopefully improvements. If you attended but missed your opportunity to submit comments, it’s not too late. You can submit directly via email:[email protected] or you can visit our Facebook page “Chilkat Valley Mining Forum Committee” and submit the form there. Now it’s time to enjoy this great weather we’re having.
Liz Cornejo,
on behalf of the Chilkat Valley Mining Forum Committee