The code review commission has recommended updates to the borough assembly that include fee increases, control of female “in season” dogs and language that clarifies dog poop as litter.
At its Nov. 28 meeting, the commission also requested the assembly enforce existing policy that bans dogs from borough buildings or codify the policy.
The commission approved license fee increases from $10 to $15 for neutered and spayed dogs and $20 to $30 for any other dog older than six months. Dogs not wearing a license will be fined $10, up from $5, according to the recommended changes.
The changes also make it unlawful for dog owners to “allow their dog’s waste to remain upon any public walkway, sidewalk, trail within the townsite service area, or on private property of another without express permission, and shall be treated as litter,” and is subject to a $50 fine.
Updates also include clarifying language to require female dogs in heat be confined and away from other dogs, except in the case of planned breeding purposes. “A female dog in season, you’re not going to voice control another dog or that dog. No way,” board member Cindy Jones said. “That’s the whole point of this.”
While there is no leash law in Haines, dogs are required to be under voice control.
Other changes require the owner of a dog that has bitten someone to “immediately surrender” the animal to a shelter for supervised quarantine. Previous language required the dog to be surrendered only if an animal control officer demands it. If an animal control officer is not available, the borough manager may appoint such an animal control officer. The borough currently contracts with Haines Animal Rescue Kennel for animal control and shelter services.
The borough assembly will consider the recommended changes at its Jan. 8 meeting.
The code review commission also meets on Jan. 8 to begin reviewing Title 8, which includes littering, nuisances, reworks and secondhand smoke offenses.