A benefit concert for the Chilkat Center and public library expansion projects is scheduled on Saturday Nov. 3 at 6:30 p.m. on the Chilkat Center stage.
The concert, “Tapestry of Light,” will include performances by pianist Nancy Nash, violinist Steve Tada and opera singer Carolyn Goolsby.
Goolsby, who is also the public library director, earned her undergraduate degree in voice performance. She took 10 years of voice lessons at the college level and has a double major in voice performance, and theory and composition. She’ll sing in French, German, Italian and English.
While she hasn’t performed on a stage in 25 years, she’s looking forward to her debut. “I am very excited to get back on the stage. Working on this concert, I’ve realized how much I’ve missed singing on a stage.” Goolsby has been practicing with Nash once and sometimes twice a week for the past two months.
Nash holds a B.A. in Music from the University of Alaska Southeast and has been a longtime piano teacher in Haines.
Tada studied the violin privately with Hungarian violinist Denes Zsigmondy at the University of Washington from age 12 through college. Nash and Tada have performed together in six full concerts.
“Tapestry of Light” will include 15 pieces of music including American traditional songs, as well as pieces by Tchaikovsky, Mozart and Brahms.
A champagne reception begins at 6:30 p.m. with a dessert auction. The show will begin around 7:15 p.m. Tickets are $20 and hors d’oeuvres will be available.
Lorrie Dudzik and Annette Smith produced the concert.
Proceeds will go toward expanding the Chilkat Center kitchen and the public library expansion project.