In 2019 Alaska is going to have a new governor. Byron Mallott has resigned as Lt. Gov. and Gov. Walker, a first-class human being who has done his best for Alaska, has suspended his campaign and endorsed Mark Begich/Debra Call for Governor and Lt. Governor. Why would Walker, a former Republican and who in the past donated to Mike Dunleavy’s legislative campaign, suspend his campaign and endorse the Begich/Call ticket? Because, Walker said, Dunleavy’s actions and votes as legislator have not been fiscally responsible. The future of Alaska and the necessary services the state provides to Alaskans, Walker said, are more important than his own personal campaign that would likely split the vote between himself and Mark Begich and allow Mike Dunleavy to become Alaska’s governor. Mark Begich is a statesman. As Senator he proved to be the kind of leader who worked for Alaskans and ensured that public agencies adhered to transparency and followed appropriate public processes according to the law. ANB/ANS Grand Camp in Ketchikan this fall endorsed the ticket of Begich/Call for Gov./Lt.Gov. Begich is endorsed by teachers, by law enforcement, by Alaskan women, and by labor. Of all the governor candidates at Southeast Conference, Begich spoke out the most strongly in favor of a healthy, viable Alaska Marine Highway system. For education, for healthcare access, for women’s rights, for a healthy, sustainable economy, the Begich/Call ticket is the best choice for Gov./Lt. Gov. of Alaska for the next four years.
Kathleen Menke