Encounters with bears on the Chilkoot River are not to be taken lightly. People in the area still don’t comprehend this is not Disney. The bears are wild animals and are unpredictable. They are hungry. All they want is enough food to allow them to survive the winter in hibernation.
This year the salmon run was lower than usual. Having to compete with anglers makes food even more scarce. At a time like this I think the river should be closed to fishing. The bears have top priority simply for survival. People have other options.
Now we have the added problem of dogs on the loose. Aren’t there ordinances against unleashed dogs harassing wildlife? Have any citations been issued to the dog owners?
It’s a matter of time before a tragedy occurs. Not because of any fault of the animals but because of the carelessness of the humans and the bears are always the losers.
Dixie Hayes