Editor: It sure would be nice if people would do a little research of the facts before writing to the editor. The Mount Polley Mine is a good example. Their breech was from a non-toxic settling pond. No human life was threatened and no salmon were killed. The outlet of Polley Lake was barely affected and the little feeder creek to Quesnel Lake was scoured out. Only about 300 feet of Quesnel’s shoreline drinking water was affected for a short time. Not hardly a disaster. To put it into perspective, Quesnel Lake is as big and deep as our local ocean. One arm is 45-miles long, farther than Haines to Skagway. The other is 65 miles long, farther than Haines to Berners Bay. Water ow through a lake is from its headwaters to its outlet near where the breach entered thus not remotely affecting the hundreds of miles of shoreline and spawning grounds.
People love to exaggerate their facts to make a point. Michael Stark’s letter is but one example of many concerning our salmon.
Dave Werner