Thanks for the donated space
A Huge “Thank You” to Chris Thorgesen for letting us use the Frontier Tradesman building for our annual Christmas Party. The space was awesome for our large group, yet small enough for us all to be together as we celebrated another year as AP&T family. It was just picture perfect. Thank you, Chris, for your continual support of our town.
Stacie Turner and staff from Alaska Power & Telephone Company
Money talks, the Chilkat provides
Like the old saying goes “Money talks.” Mining is a big issue this year like up north in Bristol Bay and no one wants mining. It will affect the rivers, birds, bears, moose, hooligans, salmon, trout, steelhead, cut throat and our subsistence way of life.
Many use the river to catch the hooligan to get the oil. This happens once a year. They work hard for it. Then we have the largest gathering of eagles. What will happen to them? Nowhere else in the world does this happen: only on the Chilkat River.
So what’s more important, mining or the beauty of the Chilkat River that helps provide food for all who use the river including birds, wildlife, fish and us?
Don’t ruin the river. It’s all we have and we love it. Respect the land, rivers, waters and wildlife. It belongs to them also. They rely on it, like we do.
Phillip Jackson
Love and support touches family
We are blessed to live in a community that showers our family with so much love and support! To each person who has touched our lives yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank you!
The Haddock family
Community bolsters young readers
The Haines Chapter of Children’s Reading Foundation would like to give a big thank you to the community for its continued support of our mission to promote literacy in early childhood. Thanks go to Talia’s Treasures for regular sharing of early childhood books, The Babbling Book and Dragon’s Knook for books and wrapping supplies, our guest readers of the month and participating Chilkat River valley preschools, Haines Girl Scouts for donated time for holiday book wrapping and everyone out there who makes time every day for reading with a child.
KC O’Connor on behalf of the reading foundation