Life-long Klukwan resident Christine Sweet, 61, Choosèe, an eagle of the Thunderbird house, was remembered in a double Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANS) and Klukwan Assembly of God service at the Klukwan School gym on Sep. 1. She was buried next to her mother, Esther Hotch, in the village cemetery. Sweet died August 26 at the Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage of complications from breast cancer treatment.
Husband Larry Sweet Sr. said she was primarily a homemaker who ^took great pride in her family and culture.^” Though soft spoken^”she could speak her mind^” and her strength and caring helped her family survive several hardships. The Sweets were married for 39 years and had seven children and sixteen grandchildren. They met when Larry came to Alaska to visit relatives and was recruited to play basketball for the Klukwan teamof which Chris was a big fan. The two were married on July 211979and settled in Klukwan.
