The week that began on April 16, marked Haines as the safest place to be in SE Alaska when Southeast Region EMS Council (SEREMS) of Sitka conducted its annual EMS Symposium there. Attended by 100 registered first responders, EMTs, paramedics, nurses, advanced practice providers, physicians and Canadian responders who descended on the community in droves, the event marked the first time SEREMS had attempted to conduct the event in a location off of the direct Alaska Airlines route. It was a resounding success!
Hosted by the Haines Fire Department, the event was a tremendous opportunity to network rural pre-hospital providers, medevac services, regional hospitals and a Level 1 trauma center together.
More than once, I was stopped by speakers, vendors and participants to express their appreciation of the citizens of Haines for making everyone feel welcome. The amount of work it took to feed, house, educate and entertain these folks cannot be underestimated and although I have an excellent staff, it was the Haines team that pulled everything together. A special thank you to Julie Anderson, Al Badgley, Cynthia Jones and Tara Bicknell who spent a year with the planning and preparation of the event.
Our symposium is renowned for both the provision of cutting edge medical education combined with the atmosphere of a family reunion and it was successful thanks to the HVFD and the community that supports it wholeheartedly.
Bobbi Leichty, Director
SE Regional EMS Council, Inc.