Members of the Redneck Robo Hobos of Haines just returned from the first appearance of a Haines team at the Juneau Jamboree since 2011. This program is great for STEM learning and promoting core values that build teamwork and bring great ideas into the light. We’d like to express gratitude for support from the following people: David Foster for building the official practice table; the Juneau Economic Development Council for a grant to Haines that paid for our LEGO League registration, a new EV3 controller and component kit, and this year’s mat and models; the Haines Borough School District for paying for our transportation to Juneau; all the parents who supported us by encouraging attendance at workshops even on Saturday and cheered us on in Juneau; Haines Woman’s Club for giving us space to sell raffle tickets to pay for our team shirts; Melissa Ganey at 907 Clothing for ordering our t-shirts and Spenser Johnson of the Aurora Project in Juneau for adjusting our design and printing them; Natasha, Gary, and Molly of HBSD staff for participating in our problem-solving project; St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Juneau for overnight accommodation; and the Skagway team, parents and coaches for encouraging us and offering tips for next year. We look forward to recruiting some more adults to get our team(s) off to a good start next September!

Patty Brown, Coach of R2H2
