It has been a pleasure and honor to be a part of this community for the past ten years. The actions of the people that live here are mighty and strong. Saturday, I was honored by these actions and the people of this community in the form of a fundraiser. But even before Saturday there were so many people that helped me/us on this journey. For those of you wondering (because I would be wondering) in June of this year I was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor that required surgery, and two weeks after being home, I had complications from the medications I took and had to go back for emergency treatment. If you’ve not been on the receiving end of a fundraiser, let me tell you first hand, it’s an extremely humbling experience and one I will cherish and pay forward for years to come. I’ve personally thanked many of you, and for those I have not had the chance to, please acccept this heartfelt thank you for ALL that you’ve done for my family and me. Blessings to all.

Denise Sherman