Haines School librarian Leigh Horner won Alaska’s 2017 School Library Staff of the Year Award this month after school administrators nominated her for the accolade.

“She is incredible,” said principal Rene Martin, who nominated Horner for the award in January. “I can’t even imagine a certified librarian who does more than what Leigh brings to our school.”

The award was made by the Alaska Association of School Librarians. The group each year honors an influential library staff member who is not a certified librarian. The award was established three years ago.

Martin said Horner writes grants and puts together the book fair.

Horner recently helped teacher Ella Bredthauer develop a library book review program using green-screen technology. She’s also lead coach of the district’s after-school archery program.

“She sees needs and figures out a way to fill them,” Martin said.

Haines Public Library Director Patty Brown accepted the award on Horner’s behalf at the Alaska Library Association Conference in Ketchikan last week.

Horner, who has worked at the library 16 years, said she had no idea she was even nominated until after learning that she had won the honor Monday afternoon.

“I’m without words. I’m very humbled to receive this award,” Horner said. “I’m still kind of reeling. I can’t believe it.”

Horner will receive $250, a certificate and a framed piece of artwork as parts of her prize.
