The Haines Winter Games will be held Sunday.
First held as the Winter Olympics in 1999, the event started as a hockey tournament under the fairgounds’ Payson’s Pavilion during an especially cold and snowy winter.
A BB-gun biathlon, snowshoe race and turkey bowling were added, some flags were strung, and Haines High School music teacher Darold Kludt led opening ceremonies by playing “Olympic Fanfare” on his trumpet.
The games repeats every year with events changing depending on weather conditions. A dry winter a few years ago led to a barefoot race and a skillet-tossing contest. Organizer Jessica Edwards said it appears this year’s event may see conditions like those of the original contest.
In her seven years as organizer, good skiing and ice-skating conditions have never both fallen on the day of the Games. “We’ve only been able to play hockey one year since 2010,” Edwards said.
This week, Raven Arena ice rink was smooth and a forecast of seven inches of snow Thursday was providing hope for the biathlon – a ski and shoot event.
New this year is “partner curling.” “You curl your partner by pushing them in a chair. So you need a curler, a person in a chair and two sweepers,” Edwards said.
The day’s schedule includes community ice skating, 11 a.m .; BB-gun biathlon, 12:15 p.m .; HARK’s dog-calling contest, 12:45 p.m .; chili cook-off and potluck, 1-3 p.m .; Arctic gear relay, 1:30 p.m .; partner curling, 2 p.m .; tea-making contest, 2:30 p.m .; beacon rescue, 3 p.m. and hockey tournament, 3:30 p.m.
Participation in Haines Winter Games events is free.
The Chilkat Snowburners will give demonstrations on tuning up snowmachines and have different types of sleds on display.
Besides the Winter Games, Sunday’s Winter Fest events include the Koot to Kat Alpine Adventure Race across the top of Mount Ripinsky, starting 8 a.m. at 6 Mile Lutak Road. A Saturday ski race is scheduled for 1 p.m. at 25 Mile Haines Highway. Adult and child skiers are welcome.
For more information, call Edwards at 766-2476.