Haines High School is changing the way it administers eligibility for activities.

The school’s previous system required students to get “eligibility sheets” signed by teachers showing students were passing classes.

Due to new travel schedules that are not conducive to last-minute eligibility decisions, eligibility reviews now will be conducted each Tuesday. Students who maintain less than a 2.0 grade point (“C” average) or have a failing grade (“F”) must attend homework help from 3:30-4 p.m. and are prohibited from practicing or traveling.

Students with a “D” may practice but must attend homework help every day until grades improve. Students found not eligible to travel on Tuesday are eligible to travel the following Tuesday if they have no failing grades and a “C” average.

Under the previous system, students who had a failing grade at the end of a quarter were not eligible for activities for the remainder of the semester. Under the revised system, those students can improve their grades to regain eligibility during a season.
