Zephyr Sincerny is the new education and cultural coordinator at the Haines Borough Public Library.

The part-time job, previously held by Jessie Morgan, is to design and develop library programs and help others holding programs at the library.

Programs organized by the position have included Game Lab, Computer Help for Seniors, How to Use Social Media and a monthly cultural program planned in conjunction with the Chilkoot Indian Association.

After working for a non-profit in Yosemite National Park in California for 10 years, Sincerny took an interest in Alaska and was hired onto a summer job on a seine boat out of Craig.

The Oregon native came to Alaska in 2005 when he built a wood and fiberglass kayak and spent about six weeks exploring Southeast. “Ever since, I’ve just been coming up here to go kayaking and visit people. Finally I just said, ‘Okay it’s time to make the move.’”

Sincerny holds a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and coordinated studies from University of Oregon. He was a snowboard instructor at California’s Mammoth Mountain and worked for Outward Bound in Yosemite.

His job includes creating programs for patrons of all ages.

“My goal is to create connection of community and different community members through the library and to help facilitate and share and highlight some of the amazing people and things way have going on,” he said. “So really, my goal is to bring people in and say, ‘Hey what are you really interested in?’ and share this with as many people as we can. We have a lot of people out there doing fun stuff.”

The next event offered by the program is a cross-country ski of a Tlingit trade-route scheduled for 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 25. Pre-registration is required.

Sincerny is wrapping up the “Gateways to the Past, Doorway to the Future” program with a community-wide potluck at the library.

“One of the goals and things that I would like to do is gather information and find out what people want. That’s one of the big goals,” he said.

Sincerny hopes his outdoors expertise will help him to connect with folks here. “I’m happy to be here in Haines, I’m looking forward to meeting and connecting with other people.” he said.
