Recent political events in our nation, particularly the Trump order banning immigrants from seven Muslim nations, has me writing this letter. I thought it would be worthwhile for all of us to remind ourselves of why America has become a refuge for persecuted peoples from various parts of the world. The story from Syria is very compelling as it exemplifies the consequences of the Arab Spring where democratic revolutions overthrew repressive governments in various Middle East nations.

Libya dictator Muammar Gaddafi and his torturing and murdering sons were clear examples of why the Arab Spring occurred. Many fled Libya into exile only to fall to assassins. In Syria, the Assad regime resorted to similar tactics to maintain their grip on power. The poisoning of communities and the torture and murder of thousands of innocents fueled a resistance that remains today. Since 2011, millions of people in Syria have fled the country to save themselves and their families. America championed these people in their efforts to throw off the yoke of dictatorial rule. Our armed forces have assisted them in their struggle. What a betrayal Trump has handed them in banning these displaced families seeking sanctuary here. The murder of 6 men during prayers in a Quebec mosque by a right wing, Trump-supporting extremist shows where the real threat to freedom and democracy lies.

This link will take you to the BBC website where you can read a synopsis of the conflict in Syria:

John Norton
