The Haines Dolphin Swim Team would like to thank the many volunteers and businesses that made this year’s home swim meet a success. One hundred swimmers participated in 116 events!

AP&T provided wireless internet for the event. The Men of Note sang the national anthems. Al Giddings and the Haines Borough School District provided transportation to and from the ferry terminal. The Haines Visitor Center organized the transportation and greeted visitors with information about what to do in our town. Jessica Edwards and Susie McCartney organized our annual fundraiser dinner. Howsers IGA, Olerud’s Market and Mountain Market provided food for our hospitality room. Tlingit Ink designed and printed our event shirts. The Aspen Hotel and the Captain’s Choice Motel offered discounted rates for people associated with the meet.

Jim Lampkins provided his public address system.

And last but not least, thanks to the officials, timers, coaching staff, parent volunteers and pool employees that worked tirelessly to fill all the roles necessary to make this huge event happen.

Jenn Allen
