Volunteerism is valued in Haines, and a new committee aims to promote and encourage involvement by local residents.

Volunteer Haines, a subcommittee of the Haines Assisted Living Corp., was awarded $40,000 from HAL as part of a “social service and medical resource trust,” said committee member Jim Studley.

The money will be distributed to Haines organizations that deal with social services and medical concerns in the community and foster the relationship between volunteers and elders, he said.

Committee members include Studley, Adam McMahan, Linda Keirstead, Vince Hansen and Valery McCandless.

The committee gave a grant to the Haines Senior Village to be spent on ingredients to help with candy bar sales. The village is fundraising to pay off a second mortgage.

Studley said Volunteer Haines’ gift to the senior village was a no brainer. “It’s taking care of a population who has a problem with their mortgage,” Studley said.

The committee spent $17,000 on the education of HAL staff and other community members on personal care in an administrative position. Beverly McLaughlin was contracted to run the course.

Studley said Volunteer Haines has $20,200 left to give.

“We’re looking at a wide gauntlet of things that would have an overall effect on the community,” Studley said.

When funding for the public health nurse was cut, Studley said, Volunteer Haines had discussions about how to promote flu vaccinations. The group is trying to see what it can do to get seniors to eat good meals every day or have more regular interactions with young people in the community.

McCandless said the committee spearheaded an effort to create a new volunteer feature on the community website, http://www.hainesak.com/. The website acts as a forum for organizations to share volunteer opportunities online.

“It’s a clearinghouse for making what’s good about living in a small town possible,” McCandless said.

Volunteer Haines began meeting in late August, Studley said.
