What a perfect storm: a single-interest committee who commandeered the $30-something-million dollar harbor expansion project, combined with enough power players in government that either agreed with or were intimidated by that committee, combined with an engineer/design firm that isn’t even close to Bucky Fuller’s…

“When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty… but when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.”

What a room full of well-modulated hope was our assembly Tuesday night voting for Resolution 16-11-692 authorizing the borough manager to execute a contract with Pacific Pile & Marine vs. imagine a meeting and a whole town being quite enthusiastic about authorizing the borough manager to execute…

Turns out even the mayor’s not totally, absolutely, unequivocally in love with this design though she supports it absolutely. I’ve always wondered about that with her and with others. Many were elated of course. What’s next?

Evelyna Vignola
