The state plans to seek $43,405 in federal money to overhaul battered parts of the Seduction Point trail in Chilkat State Park.

The state has until Nov. 1 to apply for the money. The Federal Highway Administration’s Recreational Trails Program is expected to make a decision by next spring. If given a green light, the trail fix-it work would run from June 1 to Sept. 15.

The $43,405 in federal money would also be contingent on the state providing matching funds, state park ranger Travis Russell told the borough’s parks and recreation advisory committee Wednesday.

The committee agreed to write a letter to support the state’s application.

The Seduction Point Trail is about 1.5 miles long from its trailhead to Moose Meadows. “We just want to make it more passable,” Russell said.

The trail has five bridges, plus 500 feet in bridge-like paths over bogs. One bridge has collapsed, and another main bridge and bog bridges are in poor condition. “They are in pretty bad shape,” Russell said.

Also, the trail drainage system needs to be overhauled to combat erosion.
