My hope is that the borough will use as much restraint when it comes to changing the rules on garbage in Haines, as some of us in creating it. My concerns are three-fold.

Like many others, I don’t need regular garbage pick-up. I use Haines Friends of Recycling to recycle anything possible; I burn what is legal; compost what I can, and consider packaging when making purchases. Consequently, I typically generate less than a 35-gallon garbage can of trash in six months.

The idea of gas-guzzling garbage trucks lumbering about our huge valley on a regular basis would be wasteful and noisy.

If it is mandated that we all pay for garbage pick-up, I think that many people will no longer go to the effort involved in recycling – sorting, rinsing, removing labels and lids, flattening cardboard, etc. – which means even our recyclables will end up in the landfill.

Why not enforce the rules we have by holding those who illegally dump garbage accountable, rather than making us all pay for the actions of the few?

Years ago, Heather Lende sorted through garbage dumped on the Rutzebeck Road and found evidence of who had dumped it. She contacted the culprits and told them she wouldn’t contact the troopers if they cleaned it up.

It was cleaned up. If Heather can do this, why can’t the borough?

Sharon Resnick
