On behalf of the Haines Senior Center and the special people we serve, I would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation for providing a grant in the amount of $2,500. These funds helped us meet the required local match to provide door-to-door transportation to senior citizens and citizens with disabilities this past fiscal year.

Southeast Senior Services (SESS), through the Haines Senior Center, provided 3,333 rides to 68 individuals this past fiscal year. The majority of these rides were provided during regular Senior Center hours, Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. However, a Purchase of Services (POS) grant through the Alaska Department of Transportation allowed us to transport not only seniors, but people with disabilities of any age. The POS grant also allowed us to extend our transportation services to times outside of the regular Senior Center hours.

The POS grant paid 80 percent of the cost, so the Senior Center needed to find funds to pay the other 20 percent. Thanks to the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation, we were able to find the required match. Seniors and people with disabilities were able to access community resources when they needed them.

All seniors, age 60 and over, as well as people with disabilities of any age are encouraged to call the Haines Senior Center at 766-2383 for more information on our transportation services. These services help seniors and people with disabilities remain healthy and independent for as long as possible. SESS is a division of Catholic Community Service.


Gail Fenumiai, Regional Coordinator
