Another really nasty aspect of the harbor project is that where they are going to dig up the ocean floor (dredge) is where the sewer outfall pipe has been for a long time here, since before they had a treatment planet. The borough wants to take tons and tons of that crappy mud and put it on land to build a parking lot. The borough is now calling said parking lot a park to make it more palatable.

Now I’m not an engineer that is making $3 million off designing this project, or a construction company owner that will benefit from having more excavator and trucking jobs in town. I am just a guy that thinks we shouldn’t dig up the poop graveyard and put it on land.

It is going to stink terribly and we’ll be known as the poop park town, which I doubt will help the tourism industry. Is that what you want to read about Haines on TripAdvisor? Not me.

I do think it would’ve helped if we made it a little deeper where the boats are. But the harbor advisory committee thought it best to make it deeper where the boats aren’t and the assembly said OK and cut the planning commission out of the process. Plus, it’s not like we eat a lot of broccoli here, we are more of a chili town.

Seriously, do you want your kids to play at Poop Park? Do you want to park your car at Poop Park? And that is just Phase 1.
