Southeast Senior Services (SESS), a division of Catholic Community Service (CCS), would like to thank the Chilkoot Indian Association for their partnership and providing us with the opportunity to receive funds to provide local services. We appreciate the opportunity to serve as a sub-grantee for the tribe to participate in the Older Americans Act Title VI grant program.
The addition of this funding to our state grant and other funding sources makes more days and hours of service possible. SESS operates the senior nutrition and transportation program out of the Haines Senior Center facility.
Last year, our staff at the Haines Senior Center provided 6,588 meals to seniors four days a week; 983 of these were delivered to homebound seniors. A total of 280 individual seniors enjoyed hot, nutritious, delicious lunches. Our Haines staff provided a total of 3,345 rides to 68 individual seniors.
All seniors ages 60 and over are encouraged to call the Haines Senior Center at 766-2383 for more information on meals, rides, and Senior Center activities. These services help seniors remain healthy and independent for as long as possible. In addition to the senior meals and rides, our Title VI partnership with the tribe allows us to employ an outreach worker to provide much-needed support to family caregivers caring for native elders.
We look forward to continuing our partnership with the Chilkoot Indian Association. The next time you see a tribal official or member, be sure to tell them thanks.
Gail Fenumiai
Regional Coordinator