Erin Pratt will take over as head coach of the Haines Dolphins Swim Team this season.

“I grew up as a swimmer, and my heart has always been in the water,” Pratt said.

Pratt moved to Alaska when she was 5 years old and swam competitively throughout her schooling in Juneau, both for Glacier Swim Club and Juneau-Douglas High School.

“There is something special about being a part of a team, and it will be wonderful to share that experience with the Haines Dolphins,” Pratt said.

One of her favorite things about being a part of a team was the relationships she built with friends, Pratt said. She also enjoyed traveling to swim meets, meeting new athletes from around the state, seeing new cities and experiencing new things. 

Pratt currently lives in downtown Seattle and works as a coordinator of the United States Soccer Federation, mostly with the youth national teams. She said that although she loves soccer, she is looking forward to a new adventure coaching in small-town Alaska.

Pratt has coached other youth sports camps before but is new to formal swim coaching. She said she is passionate about working with young people to help them set and achieve goals.

Pratt will arrive in Haines Monday and will attend the Dolphins’ kickoff meeting and potluck Sept. 6 at 5 p.m. in the Haines School cafeteria. “I would like to encourage everyone to come out to learn more about the team, both returning and new swimmers alike.”

Team tryouts are Sept. 7, and the first full day of practice is Sept. 8. 

“Swimming plays such a huge part in my story, and I can’t wait to get back to the pool,” Pratt said.
