The Haines Borough Assembly emerged from a 90-minute closed door session with its attorney Tuesday, only to give a one-sentence update on the ongoing dispute with two residents.
The assembly consulted with its attorney, manager Bill Seward and police chief Heath Scott in executive session until 10:30 p.m. regarding a recent letter sent from an attorney representing Paul Nelson and Sue Waterhouse.
The pair, who were banned from the borough administration building for two days following a June 29 incident with former planning and zoning technician Tracy Cui, are demanding a public apology from the borough.
“While the details at the moment are not public, we are being deliberate and responsive to the situation,” assembly member Margaret Friedenauer said after coming out of executive session.
After the meeting, Nelson said he forwarded Friedenauer’s remark to his attorney. Nelson said he is hoping to avoid litigation.
“If they apologize and admit they violated our constitutional rights, we will let it go,” he said.