I was surprised to read that Al Kelly regards Tom Morphet’s recent editorial as “the most disgusting thing that (Tom has) done since coming to Haines.” Dude, take it from someone who shared a small office with Tom for several years: that is not even close to the most disgusting thing he has ever done. In fact, I think just about everyone at some point has done something more off-putting than voicing a controversial or provocative opinion. I certainly have. And Al? In his letter he casually sneers at an entire segment of Haines’ population while disagreeing with one alleged member of that group (“hippie ilk”). Some might find that pretty disgusting. Like all of us, Tom Morphet has his flaws. But he also cares deeply about his community and avoids marginalizing those who disagree with him. The proof? He could have refused to print Al’s strangely aggressive letter or responded to it himself. He didn’t. Perhaps that’s because he knows something Al Kelly apparently does not: when you inject venom into what could be a respectful – if pointed – disagreement, you only undermine your own credibility.
Micah True
Edmonton, Alberta