The Hospice of Haines dessert booth at the Southeast Alaska State Fair was a delicious effort by a sweet group of local bakers who suspended all from their busy summer schedules to mix and bake for hospice. Thank you to 48 volunteer bakers, for your generous heart-filled offerings: 45 pies and tortes, 12 large cakes, several dozen cookies and scores of cupcakes. Thank you to Kristin Hathhorne, Mark Battaion, Sue Nelson, Susan Weerasinghe, Marnie Hartman, Sarana Miller, Patty and Kip Kermoian, Katey Palmer, Teresa Hura and Heather Lende for your many hours in the booth selling desserts. Thank you to those who stepped up to the booth with your dollars and kind words. You can measure the butter and sugar but you can’t quantify the love. In gratitude and representing the board, staff, volunteers and those who receive our care.
Beth MacCready and Nancy Schnabel