Motorists traveling on the Haines Highway should be extra alert around 26 Mile Haines Highway, where construction on the state’s Klehini River Bridge replacement project began last week.
Department of Transportation spokesperson Jeremy Woodrow said the $6.7 million project – awarded to Southeast Roadbuilders – will replace the deteriorating steel bridge with a “decked, bulb-tee girder bridge,” similar to ones spanning Big Boulder and Little Boulder creeks.
The project also will realign Porcupine Road from Haines Highway to the intersection of Chilkat Lake Road.
The steel bridge will remain open with the new bridge being constructed alongside it to minimize inconvenience to travelers, Woodrow said.
Motorists should expect some minor delays as construction progresses, Woodrow said. “There shouldn’t be any major closures but there may be some minor delays like single-lane closures.”
Construction will shut down around October and be completed next year, he said.
The borough via resolution assumed ownership of the bridge and Chilkat Lake Road in 2000 in exchange for the state funding improvements to the road. However, the state has still been responsible for maintenance of the bridge and road, including snow plowing.
Upon substantial completion of the project, the borough will assume maintenance and plowing responsibilities.
“Maintenance should be very minimal moving forward on the new bridge as opposed to the old bridge,” Woodrow said.
The new bridge will be situated slightly south of the existing one.