Don Turner III, while sitting at the Planning Commission table last week, wore a T-shirt that said, “I like the sound you make when you shut up.” It had a picture of a smiley face with duct tape over the mouth. Such sentiments one would expect in Russia and China. Am I saying the Haines Borough government is basically a Chinese party system? Yes, I am. But the point is, the bullies have taken over Haines and are now emboldened because they have the full support of the borough assembly majority, the Mayor, and their important staff. And the bullies want a harbor expansion which we don’t need and can’t afford. Unable to tell the truth about the harbor expansion, they try to squash dissent and control the media. Why doesn’t Don Turner, Bill Thomas, the Mayor, the harbormaster, anyone (a consultant, perhaps?) just write a letter to the paper and explain why the cost-benefit analysis disappeared? Why not explain why there are always empty slips when there are supposedly 70 boats on the waiting list? (It used to be 250 boats on the wait list but they finally started enforcing the annual fee last year even though it has always been on the fee schedule.) Why not explain why there are always parking spaces if supposedly the parking lot is full? Does anyone even drive by the harbor anymore? Now dear reader, you may not mind if bullies run town and your wallet goes in the honey bucket, but I do, and I am trying to do something about it by telling the truth.

Joe Parnell
