The Uglys of Haines would like to thank the townspeople of Haines for making our first annual Haines Community Cancer Connection such a huge success. With donations still coming in, we cleared around $10,000. Special thanks to everyone who brought and/or bought a dessert. Just the auction brought in over $1,700. I’d like to thank all the guys for all the hard work and hours they put in to make it work.
A special shout-out to Dean Risley and Tim Banks for tending the grill overnight and getting the pork perfect. Thanks to Van Tabler at Acme Transfer for taking the garbage as part of his donation.
The winners of the top sales prizes for auction items were Toni DeWitt’s Cookies in the Dutch Oven for $120 and Connie Ward’s apple pie with two refills for $125. A gentleman who was very much in a hurry but wanted to contribute walked up and offered $200 for a pie. Both of us manning the money box shouted “Sold!” and he walked over and picked out an apple pie made again by Connie Ward. Certificates for dinners at our Ears 2 You food booth at the fair are on their way to Connie and Toni. Thanks again to everyone who helped and participated.
The money from this fund will be paid out in $500 checks to locals currently going through cancer treatments or newly diagnosed with cancer. We will be working with local medical and social service facilities for applicants or contact an Ugly.
Gary Jacobson, President, Uglys of Haines