Uglys of Haines will hold a pig-roast fundraiser May 21 they’re hoping will become an annual event to aid cancer patients in the Chilkat Valley.

The roast dinner starting 4 p.m. at the state fairgrounds will include a continuous-running dessert auction said group president Gary Jacobson. “We’re hoping someone will buy a chocolate cake and turn right around and get a cherry pie.”

Jacobson said the Uglys are hoping the picnic becomes an annual event, building a fund called “Haines Community Cancer Connection.”

The idea originated when residents approached the group about holding a fundraiser for Chuck Mitman, a former Uglys president, volunteer firefighter and ambulance crew member who recently was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.

“Chuck said if we were going to do something, it would have to help out a bunch of people instead of just one. It was his idea and we kind of ran with it,” Jacobson said.

The idea is to build a fund that would allow the group to make annual $500 grants to residents receiving cancer treatment or who have been recently diagnosed with cancer. Recipients could use the money as they see fit, he said.

“Whatever they need, it’s up to them. If it buys dog food or makes a house payment, we know it’s just a drop in the bucket, but it’s something,” Jacobson said. “Even if you’re treated here, you’re probably out of work for a while, whatever you need you can use that $500 to make your life easier.”

Jacobson said the idea may be refined in future years. “Every single (fundraiser) we do, we see what works and modify it to see what we can do better and after about three years it goes on cruise control.” The benevolent group has awarded $30,000 in local scholarships in the past three years.

Mitman served eight years as Uglys president. He’s also former fire chief of Klehini Valley Volunteer Fire Department and assistant chief of Haines Volunteer Fire Department.

“Chuck’s been in on the start-up of most everything we’ve ever done, and every little fundraiser we’ve done. This is a way we can honor him for his inspiration and leadership to us,” Jacobson said.

Creators of desserts fetching the top three bid amounts will win dinner at “Ears to You,” the group’s food booth at the Southeast Alaska State Fair. Donations to Haines Community Cancer Connection also can be sent to the Uglys at P.O. Box 698, Haines.
