More than two weeks after a brown bear attacked a University of Alaska Southeast professor near Mount Emmerich, details remain scant on the specifics of the mauling.

Fish and Game biologist Stephanie Sell said the agency has reached out to UAS assistant professor Forest Wagner and the students who were with him on the mountaineering trip at the time of the attack.

“We have reached out and they have our contact information but we have still not heard from anyone,” Sell said. “We, too, are wanting to learn from this event so we can understand what happened and prevent it from happening again in the future.”

Katie Bausler, spokesperson for UAS, said Wagner was moved from Intensive Care to the Orthopedic Unit of Anchorage’s Providence Hospital on April 26. He was upgraded from “serious” to “fair” condition, Bausler said.

Wagner, 35, was mauled on April 18 while leading a field mountaineering course near the Kicking Horse River.
