I would like to thank the people who stood up and gave voice to the injustice the assembly is trying to shove down the throats of “the people” of Haines in the form of the “200 minor offenses” ordinance.
What if someone working for the borough doesn’t like your spouse or his child doesn’t like yours? Is it not inconceivable that this law could be wrongly used? Two hundred infractions? I can’t wait to see this list. In essence, could you conceive of this law being used for vengeance or bigotry?
My gratitude and respect for the individuals who voted against this bad law and especially the assemblyman willing to go to jail for his honor and the man who referred this law to the Nazis. He was spot on, and to everyone in the public who spoke up.
Thank you for reminding me what a “great” town I live in.
Also, is it possible to circulate a petition to let “the people”of Haines vote over this law? Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
“Porcupine” Anney Shuder