In my time I’ve seen many changes, especially in our Native people; for better or worse, I don’t know. I’m a lifelong member of the Alaska Native Brotherhood. I was sergeant-at-arms as a youngster and the youngest ever, and for my duties I was given the honor as a lifelong member.

All of this happened at the Raven House, which a proud man and his wife revived, with help from the ANB and Alaska Native Sisterhood. He always thought of the people and always encouraged them. People listened to him and believed in him. Then the hall was built. We had many gatherings, potlatches, singing and dancing. It was a place where we could go and feel welcome.

But today our hall is empty and sad. It seems we lost our identity and way of life. I only see non-Natives in our ANB-ANS meetings, and our hall used for tourism. What happened? Have you forgotten who you are? It’s our hall and organization. Don’t forget who you are: Tlingit.

Phillip Jackson
