I would like to thank Tod Sebens for finding these wonderful plays to help us through the long winters and for his soft-spoken direction. I would also like to thank the amazing folks behind the scenes at “Dancing at Lughnasa”: Cherri Price, our stage manager, who kept the cast on track; Robert “Buffalo” Hart, our lights man; photographers Bill and Cheryl McRoberts; Riyan Stossel, our sound man; our set crew: Brigid O’Connor, Dan Lundberg and Mike Wilson, and our makeup crew: Michelle Wing, Annette Smith and Stojanka Lynch. Thanks to Judith McDermaid at The Hair Shop and Blythe Carter for doing those lovely posters, Christina Baskaya for the costumes and Maggie Daly for the kites. Thank you to the Glacier Bards for snacks at intermission. Thank you to the wonderful people of Haines who attended the play. Your support is greatly appreciated and we hope you enjoyed the joys and sorrows, trials and tribulations of the Mundy family.
Cheryl Mullins