I was reading the paper from Feb. 12, and it strikes me that having the Chamber of Commerce downplay the morality of the issue of marijuana use in Haines is both a disservice to, and a lack of understanding of, both the merchants of Haines and the members of the Chamber itself. I have yet to meet a business owner who operates their business in an amoral manner, and to claim that the Chamber, which represents the member merchants, will not be using their morality as a basis for decision and recommendation making, this puts me in the position of opposing the decision before it is even made. If we are not a moral people, operating our lives and our business from a moral standpoint, only the almighty dollar, then to what are we directing attention to as we seek to attract people to Haines? I would prefer they find us neighborly and kind, surrounded by beauty. A moral business in a beautiful location doesn’t need pot to sell a cup of coffee. Smoke your pot on your own time, and definitely don’t think I approve.
Lt.. Dave Kyle, Haines Salvation Army