Katie Craney is Lynn Canal Conservation’s new conservation coordinator. She’ll be spokesperson for the group, with duties including membership development. She replaces Macky Cassidy, who previously held the job.

Craney said her goals include reaching out to other organizations and communities. “I’m excited. This is down a path I’ve wanted to go for a while. There’s definitely a need to continue this work and get more people involved,” she said.

Craney has lived in Gustavus and Skagway and worked for the National Park Service for seven years, including a summer as a backcountry ranger on Skagway’s Chilkoot Trail and four years in Glacier Bay’s wilderness, where she completed the first detailed history of all known mountaineering activity in the Fairweather Mountains.

Craney guides long bicycle tours for Sockeye Cycle. She holds a bachelor’s of fine art degree from the University of Wisconsin, with a minor in environmental studies. She is pursuing a master’s degree in Northern Studies from University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Craney became an Alaska master gardener last summer and is interested in locally grown food.

Craney will keep office hours 9:30-11:30 a.m. Tuesdays through Thursdays. She can be reached by phone: 907-766-2295 or by email at [email protected].
