Now that the people of Alaska have chosen the unity team of Gov.Bill Walker and Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, it’s time to stop the blood sport of partisan politics. 

Alaska is big enough and diverse enough to do almost all things the people want. We need to come together to help each other. What we do to make Alaska better helps all Alaskans. Yes, we must be careful to do things in a sensible, responsible, environmentally safe way. When we try to stop others, we hurt ourselves.

We Alaskans have to get over this idea that the government should do everything for us. The oil boom is over so we need to learn again how to build Alaska without depending on endless oil money. We need to diversify our economy and build it on a good business foundation. 

In the 18 months or so that I have come to know Gov. Bill Walker and First Lady Donna Walker, I have found them to be open to working with anyone that wants to help Alaska. It’s simple: We either all float together, or we sink together.

                              Bill Kurz
