The Lutak Dock is very important to the Haines region and has been since it was built in 1953. It is the economic engine that fuels the Haines economy.
Most of the freight and fuel that comes to Haines crosses Lutak Dock. What you purchase in the stores to eat, wear and build your homes comes across Lutak Dock.
Over time repairs have been needed as with any structure. Often that has been neglected, much as a can being kicked down the road. PND Engineers has recently completed a study of the Lutak Dock’s condition. To say the least, it needs major repairs.
We at Haines Port Development Council LLC have said from the beginning of our efforts to develop the Haines industrial port that Lutak Dock is an important part of the port. It is the proper place and design for freight, supplies and fuels to be brought in via barge.
Looking to the future, as particularly mines in the region are developed, there will be thousands of tons of supplies and equipment needed to develop and run the mines. Also, there will be more freight to supply the people and businesses that develop.
That said, all the people and businesses in the region that have an interest in Lutak Dock need to attend the Dec. 4-5 meetings or send letters expressing your interest in Lutak Dock. Dave Berry and Bill Kurz
Haines Port Development Council