Nearly 100 people attended the fundraiser for Rita Brouillette and Frank Hickman Saturday at the Senior Center. Rita and Frank are expecting a child they believe will need open heart surgery. There was an “amazing amount” of people who supported and donated for the event, organized by Aimee Jacobson and Shanah Kinison. The event raised almost $5,000. It included moose stew and seafood chowder.
The Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 5 will celebrate the installation of officers and junior ANS members Saturday as part of its regular meeting that starts at 1 p.m. at the Haines ANB Hall, said treasurer Robin Benner. Officers for the coming year include president Anastasia Wiley, vice-president Georgiana Hotch, secretary Carol Lawrence, treasurer Robin Benner, and sergeants-at-arms Lowana Drurey and Peggy Ormasen. Executive committee members include Paulina Phillips, Leanne Converse, and Marilyn Wilson.
Library Journal named the Haines Borough Public Library a 2014 Star Library. The Haines library is among about 250 “all star libraries” nationwide, eight of which are in Alaska. Check out the list on the “LJ Index 2014: All the Stars, State by State” page on the Library Journal website.
Mosquito Lake School has a Facebook group, and it’s open to everyone. To join, search on Facebook for the group, titled “Friends of Mosquito Lake School and Community Center.” Mosquito Lake resident Edie Granger, whose daughter attended the school, created the group last week. She wrote on the Facebook page that “the goal of the page is to gather ideas about the future of Mosquito Lake School and to demonstrate that there is a community of people that care about the facility.”
Haines bridge players competed in the regional bridge tournament in Juneau Nov. 7-9. Players included Jim Wilson, John Schnabel, Roger Schnabel, Fred Shields, Henry Wong, Rob and Ardy Miller, and Frank Holmes. Roger and Fred placed near the top overall.
The Haines Venturer Scouts collected 115 tires in three hours as part of their used tire drop-off fundraiser Saturday at the high school parking lot. At least $500 was raised, said Greg Podsiki, who co-leads the group with Kim Larson. The group plans to have another tire drop-off in the spring. The scouts are planning a trip to Whitehorse, and are looking into a Grand Canyon adventure for 2016.
Rob and Ardy Miller are back in town, after cruising western states by motorcycle. The couple began their adventure in mid-August. They rode about 10,000 miles aboard their BMW K1600. In addition to the Yukon, British Columbia, and Alberta, they visited a dozen states including Idaho, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and California. They camped, visited family and friends, and hiked in many state and national parks including Yellowstone. They also kayaked on the Salmon River in Idaho, where they spent a week with friends.
Haines computer teacher Sam McPhetres presented at a three-day computer education conference, Schools of the Future, in Honolulu. He spoke on one-on-one computer programs and on how to start a statewide media contest. Sam and former superintendent Woody Wilson launched the school’s one-on-one computer program 10 years ago. High school junior Autumn Gross gave conference attendees a tour of the Haines School via a telepresence robot. The Alaska Society for Technology in Education sent Sam to the conference. Sam’s wife Shannon and children Owen and Emily enjoyed swimming with turtles, attending a luau, and seeing Oahu’s famed North Shore.
The Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay is holding a T-shirt design contest for next summer’s race. The contest begins Dec. 1. Design submissions must be received by midnight Jan. 16. Submissions can be in color or black and white. There’s a $650 prize for the winning design. Submit your design, and any questions, to [email protected].
Haines High School student Bailey Stuart has been invited to participate on the USA Pacific Conference Track and Field Team in the Down Under Sports Tournaments on the Gold Coast of Australia next summer. She says she’ll be throwing discus, hammer, and shot. Bailey, a junior, is seeking sponsors to help cover participation costs for her and the team. To donate, visit By donating, you’ll get a chance to go on a trip to Australia and Hawaii.
The Haines High School journalism class has launched a student newspaper, “Bearing the News.” Each week or so, students in the class are assigned articles following a class discussion of what’s going on around town, said junior Jenae Larson, a student in the class. Typically, the class prints about 15 copies and leaves them throughout the school for others to pick up and read, she said. The class, taught by Ryan Harms, has produced five issues.