The Brownies, Juniors and Girl Scouts of Haines would like to thank Rainbow Glacier Adventures and Joe Ordonez for a fun afternoon of river rafting on the Klehini and Chilkat Rivers last month. Pleasant fall weather, interesting narration and plenty of eagles made for a great outing. Six girls and two parents joined the trip, and they arrived home happy and full of new facts about our valley. The Girl Scouts would also like to thank Davey Ozahowski, who donated the proceeds from the White Fang night to the troop. The extra funds will allow us to pay for travel, food for social events and other activities for the girls. All levels of interested Girl Scouts (from kindergarten on up) are invited to an informational event with our council leader when she visits Haines on Oct. 17. We are also looking for interested parents who can help organize events as assistant troop leaders. Contact Edie Granger at 767-5492 for more information. Thank you for supporting positive activities for young girls in the Chilkat Valley. 

Sara Chapell
