Oh, what a time we had!  The Foundation for the Chilkat Center fundraiser, featuring Sourdough Slim, was a huge success! It could not have been accomplished without the help of dedicated volunteers and businesses in the community. Thanks to Dave Routh, Paul Wheeler, Mike Ward, Lee Heinmiller, Neil Einsbruch, Debra Schnabel, the Babbling Book,  Buckshot & Bobby Pins, Haines Home Building, King’s Store, Lynn Canal Community Players, KHNS and the Chilkat Valley News. Thanks to Russ White for his special yodeling radio show, Tom Heywood who loaned Slim his guitar,  Sam Wright who got Slim to Juneau despite bad weather, bar babes Judy Heinmiller and Sue “Trixie” Waterhouse, grub gals Audrey Smith and Deborah Marshall, bartender Bulut Ciftci, master mover Michael Smith, Buffalo Hart the bouncer, all the businesses that displayed our posters, and all of you who participated in the celebration. A great time was had by all!

Lorrie Dudzik for the FCCA Board
