The Foundation for the Chilkat Center for the Arts would like to thank the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation for their mini-tech grant to help us purchase a CD player/recorder as the first piece of equipment for our “Lights-Sound-Action! Project” – upgrades to the lighting and sound equipment of the Chilkat Center. The Foundation for the Chilkat Center is a “friends” organization dedicated to assisting with the care and improvement of our wonderful Chilkat Center. The lights and sound upgrades are becoming a reality with a grant from the Rasmuson Foundation we received this summer. The fact that we received this larger grant was made possible in part by the expression of support from our own Chilkat Valley Community Foundation through this mini-grant. We are most appreciative of this local support and for the wonderful support from local individuals and businesses that we have received with our fundraising events and our Adopt-A-Seat program. Our next event to support the center will be the Sourdough Slim Jamboree, Saturday, Sept. 6. Wear your cowboy hat and get set for a high ole’ time!

Annette Smith

Foundation for the Chilkat Center for the Arts
