The Kickstarter campaign aiming to raise $20,000 for filming a documentary on Christy Tengs Fowler was about $9,000 shy of its $20,000 goal one week from the funding deadline.
The campaign must raise $20,000 by 7:16 a.m. on July 29 or the money raised to date will be returned to donors. As of press time Wednesday night, it had raised $12,391. For a $2,000 pledge, Tengs Fowler will write a song.
The documentary aims to tell the story of Tengs Fowler’s attempts to reach television counselor Dr. Phil McGraw, whose advice she has incorporated into an album of songs. She’s hoping to attract McGraw’s involvement to raise money for his foundation and the causes he supports. A concert featuring the Dr. Phil songs is set for Aug. 16 at the Chilkat Center.