First of all, apologies for the lateness of this thank-you letter! As always I am so humbled by the generosity of the Haines and Juneau merchants. We had a record-breaking year of over $20,500 in derby donations! Wow! My first intention in organizing this event is for the enjoyment of all participants. Have fun? The king salmon derby is a great opportunity for individuals to take the time to spend with family and friends and to create many treasured memories. It is also the Haines Sportsman’s Association largest yearly fundraiser. Many thanks to all donating merchants, fishermen, derby dock workers, Rocky Hickman’s derby dock boat America, Alaska Power and Telephone for hanging our banner, Haines Borough for ice, fish buyer Dejon Delights, Janis Horton, Shannon Willard and Charlie DeWitt, and the folks at Alaska Sport Shop and Outfitter Sporting Goods/Haines Quick Shop for selling tickets.
Thanks for supporting the Haines Sportsman’s Association. See you next year! Happy fishing!
Toni DeWitt, Derby Chairman