When my friend Gary Lowe was “let go” a year or so ago, I sat by and said nothing. He was getting a financial settlement he seemed satisfied with and he certainly didn’t want to remain in a town that had treated him so badly. He had “crossed” the Chilkat Valley News and there was no way he would ever fare well after that. When the alleged borough manager caved in and wrote an unsatisfactory performance evaluation on Gary, his fate was sealed.
Gary was a good, tough cop; perhaps too tough. He was operating in an environment that was much more “touchy feely” than he was used to and he may well have been too hard on some of his employees. Did he make some serious mistakes and/or misjudgments while he was here? Probably! Were they even remotely in the same realm as those made by Jason Joel? Absolutely and unequivocally not, and to imply that they were is very irresponsible.
The offenses Jason Joel is said to have committed are gross and numerous. If even half of them are true, he should probably be indicted, convicted and maybe incarcerated. Certainly he should not have been hired in such a sensitive position as head of security for the Alaska Marine Highway System. As the CVN points out, Gary Lowe said that a prospective employer should see a red flag if a previous employer would only tell them the dates of employment of the applicant they are considering.
Mike Case