The Kinison family must have a lot of Topricin pain relief cream. Shanah Kinison is the winner of the 2013 “Where in the World is Topricin” third annual photo contest, sponsored by Topical BioMedics, Inc. Her prize includes a year’s supply. The 2012 winner was mom Carrie Kinison, and the 2011 winner was dad Mike Kinison. Shanah said the cream’s great for relieving pain. She said she went for the cute kid strategy for the contest. In her photo, posing 4-year-old daughter Ezra Nash is holding a Topricin container on the deck of a fishing boat. In the background are mountains and husband Lee Nash, who is cleaning a fish.
Zak Little plans to head to Queensland, Australia, where he will receive mission and outreach training through Youth With a Mission. YWAM is an international Christian missionary organization committed to setting up mission and outreach programs worldwide. From January to June, Little will participate in the organization’s Reef to Outback discipleship training program, which will train him in setting up outreach programs. He’ll spend much of his time backpacking throughout Queensland, going from town to town delivering medicine and Bibles, and providing “general help” where needed.
A lot of bridge-playing has been going on, with Haines players traveling both north and south to compete. After spending Thanksgiving in Phoenix visiting snowbirds Kathy and Stan Jones, Bob and Sally Lix then competed in the North American Bridge Championships in Phoenix. Stan also competed and won gold points playing in a knock-out game. John Schnabel and Gregg Bigsby competed in the Whitehorse Christmas bridge three-day tournament last weekend. The team placed first in one event and third in another. Roger Schnabel and Rob Miller also competed, and placed first overall. During a coinciding layover in SeaTac, the Lixes ate lunch and played cards with Roger and Bigsby. The Haines bridge club meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the basement of the Catholic Church.
Jenty Fowler is in north-central Mexico, where she’s volunteering at Querétaro’s El Puente de Esperanza, a residential school aimed at helping orphans receive high school and college educations. She arrived Dec. 8 and hopes to help teach English classes. She plans to be back in Haines by spring.
Palestinian exchange student Haytham Mohanna’s presentation on life in his homeland at the Haines Public Library Nov. 15 earned him first place in the 2013 International Education Week contest. His prize: A week-long trip next spring to a city in the United States, chosen from a list of them. He passed up New York and Washington, D.C. for Honolulu. Ayusa Global Youth Exchange students who entered the competition shared their homeland’s culture through school and community presentations. Mohanna said he didn’t know what the prize was when he entered the competition and wanted to thank those who helped him with it.
Hunter Badgley is home for the holidays, enjoying the snow and time with family. The Whitworth University junior worked as a mountain guide for Peak 7 Adventures, a firm based in Spokane, Wash., last summer and plans to do so again in 2014. Peak 7 is a nonprofit outdoor adventure company that takes underprivileged youths into the wilderness. Last summer’s adventures included climbing Washington’s Mount Baker and other mountains in the state.
Barb Blood is one of the winners of the Alaska’s Railroad’s 90 Trips for 90 Years photo contest. The Alaska Railroad celebrated its 90th anniversary by giving away 90 trips through the contest. Her photo of her 1958 Lionel pastel train earned her a trip aboard the Alaska Railroad. The contest began in mid-October, and contestants could submit up to one photo each week, as themes changed weekly.
Glass artists, take note. Alaska Indian Arts is offering a scholarship to the summer 2014 sessions of the Pilchuck Glass School. The scholarship covers half of total fees. The artist pays for travel and extra supplies, said AIA president Lee Heinmiller. Applicants should contact Heinmiller by 5 p.m. Jan. 6 at 766-2160, [email protected] or P.O. Box 271, Haines, AK 99827.
